
Petrified landscapes, images in motion

Liquid dolomite, rock-hard streams ‒ if it were possible to work with red-hot lava, Michael Becker would probably not hesitate to experiment with it, so strong is his desire to set every static geometry in motion. Always in his mind’s eye is the image of a tumbling cube, whose never-ending movements ‒ tilting, falling and rolling ‒ he meticulously traces, in slow motion, with the help of a paper model whenever he links the pieces of a necklace in calculated rhythms or asymmetric patterns.
In slow motion: because many of his square or rectangular, gently curving or lightly twisted links in the chain appear to move, and not just on the arm or neck of its wearer. They move by virtue of little, precisely calculated rhythmic shifts in order, as if something were in motion, never coming to a standstill but continuously flowing. Static, representative jewelry ‒ bedecked and adorned is the last thing Becker wants. Of course, nothing wild either, no uncontrollably exuberant drifting: the movements are calm and composed, never straying beyond the laws of gravity and geometry. A small chapter of this mini aesthetic should be devoted to Becker and his love of the beauty of geometry. He literally gives the appearance of being an alchemist of applied art, bent over his drawings and paper models, measuring, surveying in a painstaking (not pedantic) manner. But always in search of an ideal state, a moment he maybe wished would stand still.